Welcome to Ms Yap-Private Music Classroom@叶老师私人音乐教室

Dear All Students, Parents and Friends:

Welcome to Ms Yap-Private Music Classroom私人音乐教室! This blog is created to share information regarding the music lessons, the music moments, the students and many more!

Thank you and Enjoy Viewing!!

Warmest Regards,
Ms Yap, Violin Teacher/Piano Teacher, Singapore

1. "Only the pure in heart can make good soup"

2. "What you are, you are by accident of birth; what I am, I am by myself. There are and will be a thousand princes; there is only one Beethoven.

By: Ludwig van Beethoven (1770 - 1827)

Wednesday, 20 June 2012

Cute Music Comics!

Hahaha! cute music comic found on the net and share it out here! ^^ 
Well, there are not enough music comics around~~ 

My energy level was a bit flat, but after seeing this my mind is totally sharp!

Comments on the net:
- I think I may need a "full bar rest" here!
- Who is taking "notes" in the meeting?
- Strange, they should all be working in "harmony"!
- When your energy level is a bit "flat", take a "rest", think about this picture! Your mind will be totally "sharp" and you won't miss a "beat"!

p/s: Musicians are able to understand the meaning of this comic~ So if you don't get it, nevermind, let's enjoy the art, the drawings of Treble Clef, Bass Clef, notes and else! 

ppp (Pianisissimo) to fff (Fortisissimo)~~~

Nowadays cute card printing material really attract some students to learn music theory with fun n fresh idea! Even myself as the teacher addicted on it!

The "10" vs "A" become a BlackJack right?? Cool~

Well, let's learn the Universal Language of Music required by many musical pieces/songs!

Italian Musical Terms:
ppp (Pianississimo)  - softer than pp (oops, printing mistake,1 "s" is missing)>.<
pp   (Pianissimo)     - very soft
p     (Piano)            - soft
mp   (Mezzo piano)  - moderately soft
mf    (Mezzo forte)  - moderately loud
f       (Forte)           - loud
ff      (Fortissimo)    - very loud
fff     (Fortississimo)- louder than ff (oops,printing mistake,1 "s" is missing)>.<

Performance Directions for the String Instruments, for eg, Violin.
1. Pizz. (Pizzicato) - to pluck the strings
2. Arco                 - to play with the bow
3. Down bow sign
4. V                      - Up bow sign
5. W. / WB           - Whole Bow / full bow
6. Saltato               - Rebounding bow, bow rebounds on several notes in the same bow, springing.