Performance Direction:
arco : play with the bow
pizzicato : pluck the strings
con sordini : with mutes
senza sordini : without mutes
sul G : play on the G string
sul ponticello : play near the bridge
& others etc.
This part of music theory, especially Piano students, will feel empty/brain blank on that. Yes, they know the name of the instruments very well. But, when they see the performance direction above, usually will just have a look then turn away can't remember anymore. The reason is: they don't understand it! As a teacher, i need to guide them what is it?!
How to understand? First of all, I would like to place them in the position of a Violinist, for instance. Ask them to imagine: when you are playing in the orchestra, you will need to understand the above performance direction. Even though you are not orchestra member, you are just a piano student, you will still need to understand all the signs & symbols for grade 5 theory, composing melody & rhythm for the orchestra instruments that chapter too!
Learn it! Your knowledge is your own asset!
Other than theory & exam syllabus, I would like my students to learn what is going on in the orchestra! They have watched before my live concert orchestras playing especially my piano students. So they have good memories and interested on the Strings Family and what is an "orchestra" about!
Books printed con sordini means with mute, senza sordini means without mute. But what is a mute? what is with/without? For what? Sul Ponticello: play near the bridge. What is a "bridge"? For what? Drive and flyover huh?? Sul G: play on the G string, what it means? "Play on the G string lorrrrrr~" Yes, you are right, but the in depth meaning?
To answer them, I don't read according to the book, but I show them the real mute, the real bridge on the violin, the functions of these stuff! Ask them touch it, feel it, try it, since it is visible & tangible. Not enough to guide if only base on books and picture drawings. Make it simple and interesting!
thanks so much but we need more of this.
ReplyDeleteThank you Esther! Will indicate more details when I'm available