Welcome to Ms Yap-Private Music Classroom@叶老师私人音乐教室

Dear All Students, Parents and Friends:

Welcome to Ms Yap-Private Music Classroom私人音乐教室! This blog is created to share information regarding the music lessons, the music moments, the students and many more!

Thank you and Enjoy Viewing!!

Warmest Regards,
Ms Yap, Violin Teacher/Piano Teacher, Singapore

1. "Only the pure in heart can make good soup"

2. "What you are, you are by accident of birth; what I am, I am by myself. There are and will be a thousand princes; there is only one Beethoven.

By: Ludwig van Beethoven (1770 - 1827)

Tuesday, 31 July 2012

Humour Music Comic!

Jacob Dont Viola studies become Cant studies~ Don't vs Can't

Is this the thought of the general public --->
What a simple job scope for an orchestra's conductor? !

Where's the ESCAPE key then?? >.<
A Rest vs ARREST???!!! ~~>.<

Friday, 13 July 2012

Handmade DIY Silent Piano Keyboard

One of my student, Li, 8 years old, she studied piano with me a couple of months ago. She has very good memories. She can remember every lesson where her fingers should be placed on the piano. She read notes and rhythm fast! Unfortunately, her parents unable to afford to buy her a piano or even a small keyboard (a few hundred ringgit). 

Even though she has good memories, but without practicing, she is unable to play with fast tempo. Her speed is limited. This cause her still playing the same beginner book for a few months. Without a piano or a keyboard to practice at home totally slow down her progress! Parents outside kindly take note on this issue. 

Handmade Piano
In this case, I just do what I can within my capabilities. I took some time to make a 3D piano (touchable key) ^.^ for her to practice at home. Even though the keyboard I made has no sound at all, but she did appreciate my hard work on doing that keyboard, used 2-3 hours to complete including of drawing, cutting, sticking, covering etc etc. (I'm not good in this >.<)

While waiting for her father to pick her up after my lesson, she helped me in sticking the "Black Keys" by using double sided tape and cutting it out! Thanks to her!

Li asked me a question, "Teacher, how you got this idea and produce a handmade Piano?". 
I told her that: "When a person has the passion to do something, whatever you think impossible will turn possible! Believe yourself you can do it, then you can do!" ^.^

Practice on the Table
Another student name Nurfatihah, 10 years old, before she owned a piano, she has got the idea to practice on the TABLE!! Yes, is a TABLE, on a BLANK TABLE without paper keyboard!! She opens up the piano book, PRACTICE on the table by imagining her fingers on the keyboard. 

Therefore, during the piano lesson she able to play it SMOOTHLY!! A big clap and thumbs up for her passion to learn to play piano!

A little keyboard for Li, my student! "3D Piano Keyboard" ^.^

2-3 Hours to complete: Drawing, Cutting, Estimating, Sticking 1 by 1 etc etc.
P/S: For the children and teenagers out there, if your parents are able to afford to buy you a piano, you should APPRECIATE it and play the piano well in order to thank your parents! Stop complaining that you have many school work..lazy to play the piano etc etc!

There are still many poor students who love to play piano out there but unable buy piano, some can't even go for a piano lesson! Do appreciate what you have right now! Cheers!