Welcome to Ms Yap-Private Music Classroom@叶老师私人音乐教室

Dear All Students, Parents and Friends:

Welcome to Ms Yap-Private Music Classroom私人音乐教室! This blog is created to share information regarding the music lessons, the music moments, the students and many more!

Thank you and Enjoy Viewing!!

Warmest Regards,
Ms Yap, Violin Teacher/Piano Teacher, Singapore

1. "Only the pure in heart can make good soup"

2. "What you are, you are by accident of birth; what I am, I am by myself. There are and will be a thousand princes; there is only one Beethoven.

By: Ludwig van Beethoven (1770 - 1827)

Wednesday, 16 January 2013

The G Character Contest~ All about Creativity

Recently a friend of mine asked me to create an alphabet of "G" with everything~ depends on your creativity! He would like to win a contest and grabbing many kinds of G photos from everyone!

He gave me a sample look like the following:

Then I create this with my collections: hohho~ He prefered the G, made with mini violin and cello instruments, mini bow, violin book clips too! Rather than the Australian koala bears >.<