Welcome to Ms Yap-Private Music Classroom@叶老师私人音乐教室

Dear All Students, Parents and Friends:

Welcome to Ms Yap-Private Music Classroom私人音乐教室! This blog is created to share information regarding the music lessons, the music moments, the students and many more!

Thank you and Enjoy Viewing!!

Warmest Regards,
Ms Yap, Violin Teacher/Piano Teacher, Singapore

1. "Only the pure in heart can make good soup"

2. "What you are, you are by accident of birth; what I am, I am by myself. There are and will be a thousand princes; there is only one Beethoven.

By: Ludwig van Beethoven (1770 - 1827)

Friday, 25 May 2012

The Clock in my classroom!

My clock bought in Ikea few years ago~ There is a little problem on my clock on the inner paper printing! The clock unable to function properly till one of my student told me that he handled this clock before! (he also own this clock in his house). Funny, same brand same quality ya?! >.<

At the end of the violin lessons, he was kind and trying to help me to fix the clock! However, due to lack of appropriate tools, he give me hints and clue to fix the clock back!! Thanks to him very much and now the clock is fixed by myself!!

Look! The paper near no. 8 & 9 blocking the red seconds to move on!

Fixed!! ^^

Note: Students and teachers can have the topic more than music! Even just a clock you would have topics of discussing and communication established! ^.^ Because, we are human~!

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